Saturday, July 16, 2011

Artist: Just Ducky, Album: Don't Worry Bowta Theng Mister - Compilation of 11 Winnipeg Bands, Song: To And Fro

This is the second of two blogs that introduces a song from a Winnipeg band featured on this 1987 compilation, entitled, Don't Worry Bowta Theng Mister.  The first blog was about a rock n' roll band called, Sinner's Parade (see blog 2/8/11).  This time around, we move to the opposite end of the musical spectrum and feature a band with a sound reminiscent of early new wave, perhaps even electronica.  The band was Just Ducky and their song, To And Fro, was the album opener on this compilation by Cheese Cannon Records.  Their sound is dark and edgy and reminds me a lot of early new wave artists like Shriekback.  You could classify it as dance rock or alternative dance.  Unfortunately, there isn't anything written about the bands on this compilation which makes it difficult to track them or any information about them down.  As mentioned in the earlier blog about Sinner's Parade.  This album was recorded at two different studios in Winnipeg.  Just Ducky's track was produced at Video Pool and engineered by a man named Ken Gregory.  Ken is a well known media artist today and still runs Video Pool.  His work is on display in the U.S. and in Canada.  You can follow him at  This compilation of work is a very difficult find today.  At the time of this blog, there were no copies available for sale online.  You can hear the song, To And Fro, on You Tube (  Thanks for reading and enjoy!