Here is a band originally from Ottawa, Ontario. They were North Easton, Mike Yelle, Chris Lochner and Steve McGrath. Garrity formed during the nineties and released their indie debut in 1998, entitled, Carve A Hole In The Mud. Thanks to strong radio support, specifically related to this song, Lately, the band landed touring gigs with bands like 54-40, I Mother Earth, Wide Mouth Mason and Tal Bachman. They signed on with True North Records shortly thereafter and released one more album in 2001 before breaking up. Front man, North Easton, currently runs a music school in Rockland, Ontario and continues to record music. You can follow him at You can watch the video for the song, Lately, on You Tube ( The band's debut album is a difficult find these days. At the time of this blog, there were copies trading on Amazon between $5 and $15. Thanks for reading and enjoy!